Disaster Planning in St Petersburg Florida

5 keys to disaster planning for individuals

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Disaster planning is usually associated with businesses. But individuals need to prepare for worst-case scenarios, as well. Unfortunately, the topic can seem a little overwhelming. To help simplify matters, here are five keys to disaster planning that everyone should consider:...
Provisions in St Petersburg Florida

IRS Updates FAQs on Certain ACA Provisions

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The Trump Administration and the Republican majority in Congress plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the coming months. In the meantime, however, employers must continue to comply with the existing rules for 2016, including the information reporting...
Grandfathered Status in St Petersburg Florida

Ways a Company Health Care Plan Can Lose Grandfathered Status

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Health care plans that weren’t in place before March 23, 2010 don’t have grandfathered status under the Affordable Care Act. Consequently, these newer plans must meet the provisions under the law including: Unisex premiums (Gender-defined premiums are prohibited under...

Congress Renews Business Terrorism Insurance Protection

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The recent terrorist attacks in France may have prompted Congress to reauthorize the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), which had expired at midnight on December 31, 2014. The U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill on January 7 that extends protection for six more years...

Business Interruption Insurance: A Lifeline When Disaster Strikes

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Despite a relatively quiet hurricane season, 2014 had its fair share of other natural as well as manmade disasters, including blizzards in upstate New York, wildfires and winter storms in California, mudslides in Washington and riots in Ferguson, Mo., and Berkeley, Calif. As we...
Extending Your Benefits Program with Voluntary Offerings in Tampa, Florida

Extending Your Benefits Program with Voluntary Offerings

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Employees generally recognize that you don’t have an unlimited budget for all forms of compensation, including employee benefits. And in recent years most have grown accustomed to the necessity of sharing more of the financial burden of health benefits. So if they can get...

HSAs Growing – Significant Tax Benefits Available to Top Earners

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New research has shed light on the current state of affairs in the HSA world. As noted, the pace of HSA formation has picked up. A survey by the industry group “America’s Health Insurance Plans” (AHIP) found 28 percent of the nearly 400,000 HSAs in existence at...