Annual Exclusion in St Petersburg Florida

Why making annual exclusion gifts before year end can still be a good idea

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A tried-and-true estate planning strategy is to make tax-free gifts to loved ones during life, because it reduces potential estate tax at death. There are many ways to make tax-free gifts, but one of the simplest is to take advantage of the annual gift tax exclusion with direct...
Frequent Flyer Miles in St Petersburg Florida

Are frequent flyer miles ever taxable?

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If you recently redeemed frequent flyer miles to treat the family to a fun summer vacation or to take your spouse on a romantic getaway, you might assume that there are no tax implications involved. And you’re probably right — but there is a chance your miles could be taxable....
Taking advantage of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) in Tampa, Florida

Taking advantage of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

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If your employer has a health care and/or dependent care FSA, before year end you must specify how much of your 2015 salary to convert into tax-free contributions to the plan. You can then take tax-free withdrawals next year to reimburse yourself for out-of-pocket medical and...
Is a Roth IRA Conversion Right for You This Year in Tampa Florida?

Is a Roth IRA Conversion Right for You This Year?

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If you have a traditional IRA, you might benefit from converting some or all of it to a Roth IRA. A conversion can allow you to turn tax-deferred future growth into tax-free growth. It also can provide estate planning advantages: Roth IRAs don’t require you to take distributions...