Important Tax Figures for 2015

Important Tax Figures for 2015

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The following table provides some important federal tax information for 2015, as compared with 2014. Some of the dollar amounts changed due to inflation. Other amounts changed due to legislation. Social Security/ Medicare 2015 2014 Social Security Tax Wage Base $118,500 $117,000...
Social Security and Medicare amounts for 2015 in Tampa, Florida

Social Security and Medicare amounts for 2015

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The annual inflation adjustments have also impacted the various Social Security amounts and thresholds for 2015. The Social Security wage base, for computing the Social Security tax (OASDI only), increases to $118,500 in 2015, up from $117,000 for 2014. There is no taxable...

IRS and Social Security Announce Increased Benefits for 2015

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With the 2015 tax year right around the corner, there is good news coming from the IRS. According to a recent announcement, the tax agency has increased several tax breaks due to inflation adjustments. Here is a rundown of some of the changes: Contributions to 401(k) and 403(b)...